What happens once you have submitted
This page should be read in conjunction with the ANU's Procedure: Higher degree by research - submission and examination of theses.
Two months prior to submission, and after consulting their supervisory panel, the student fills out the Notice of Intention to Submit eForm via ISIS. The student will have to advise their name, student ID number, the title of the thesis, and the date on which they expect to submit it for examination. This notification sets in train the process for appointing examiners for the thesis.
When the thesis preparation is in the final stages, the supervisor will likely consult the student about examiners. Discussions would usually be about many potential examiners; however, the final examination panel is not made known to the student.
The remainder of the process is handled in eForms.
Examiners are contacted by the Examinations Office.
The student submits their thesis by completing the Thesis Submission milestone (TS Milestone) eForm in ISIS
Examiners' reports are received by the Examinations Office.
The Examinations Office then sends the reports to the Delegated Authority for a recommendation. The DA then decides whether or not revisions need to be made to the thesis.
The DA's recommendation is then sent to the Associate Dean (HDR).
The Associate Dean (HDR) sends their recommendation to the Examinations Office.
The student is then notified of the outcome by the Examinations Office.
If revisions are needed
The Examinations Office sends notification to the student that revisions will need to be made.
The student will have a Thesis Correction Milestone eForm created by the Examinations Office after agreeing to re-submit their thesis with corrections.
The DA sends an email to the student's Chair of Panel* notifying them of receipt of examiners’ reports and solicits the Chair's analysis of the examiners’ reports. The DA advises the Chair to meet with the student to discuss revisions to the thesis.
The student and Chair meet to discuss and finalise what needs to be done.
The student makes their revisions and provides them in a revised version of the thesis in PDF to the Chair, along with an annotated list of revisions, which is provided in the template form, Responding to the examiner's reports. The Chair then endorses the revisions.
The student uploads the Chair's endorsement, the revised thesis, and the annotated list of revisions performed via the Thesis Corrections milestone eForm in ISIS, to the DA for approval.
The DA approves the changes, and forwards their recommendation to the Associate Dean (HDR) for approval.
The Associate Dean's (HDR) recommendation is then sent to the Examinations Office.
If all is approved, Examinations will send the student a 'Congratulations' email. At that time, Examinations will advise the student that “your thesis is now available on the ANU Open Research Repository.” A final, fully bound hard cover copy of your thesis is no longer required by the Examinations Office.
The Examinations Office will then be in contact with more information regarding graduation.
If revisions are not needed
The Examinations Office will send the student a 'Congratulations' email. At that time, Examinations will advise the student that “your thesis is now available on the ANU Open Research Repository". Examinations will then be in contact with more information regarding graduation.
For more information, please email the Examinations Office via
*In cases where the Chair is not the Primary Supervisor, the Primary Supervisor's advice may be sought.